Our Anniversary

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The story of a faded hobby

Since I was little I love to sew things. If I remember it correctly i started with my tudung which at that time I had sort of allergies to brooch. So to avoid myself from getting itch by the brooch, I just sew my tudung straight away and I do not need to wear any brooch.

I think I was quite gifted that I need no one to show me how to but I just learn it after some observations on done project by others. Alhamdulillah, I must thank Allah for such gift. Because I was still relatively young (I was in primary school) some older people are impressed with my sewing. Ever since I love to sew things using any piece of cloth I can get at home. Sometimes I got some from kain perca of my baju raya and sometimes I just recycle old clothes. Of course I ask my Mom permission to tear the old cloth before I start any “recycling” project.

That was the earliest history….

Nowadays, I didn’t have much of the talent anymore. I guess it’s faded away over time due to less practice. Sungguh rugi. Huhu… but I still sew small things sometimes. It’s something I love to do when I’m bored. Sadly when it comes to big sewing project I’m getting bored because of sewing. It takes too much of my time to finish. Huhu… How not patience I am…

However I’m trying to make myself fall in love in sewing again. I’ve got some fancy project in mu to-do list. Hopefully at least one of it will be a successfully done project. If it really does I’ll upload it here J

one of it is this colourful Pouf

Monday, January 17, 2011

No mood to work

Sometimes the 'mood' to work just didn't come. Maybe I left it at home. Or maybe somewhere else because I couldn’t get it back. I really hope that there's something I can do to get rid of the laziness but it isn’t that easy.

At this kind of moment too many wonders are passing my mind: - How long am I going to stay this way? When am I going to achieve more? What have I learned? Have I contributed something? Do I really play my part? Bla… Bla… Bla… But the most important thing, what have I done to satisfy myself? Sadly, I’ve to say not much because I don’t feel satisfied just yet. I’ve not becoming a better person than I used to be. Perhaps, it’s worse. This old song really means something but how can I be one…

“ Umat Islam harus cemerlang

Hari ini mesti lebih baik dari semalam

Jangan buang masa

Siapa kata kita tidak boleh

Kita ada Allah maha kuasa

Kita punya kuasa tenaga

Doa sebagai senjata”

Feeling useless it the worst thing a human being should fell. People say everybody has their very own unique part. Without that part this world will never be complete. No matter it’s the biggest part or the smallest it’s still an important part. But not knowing what our part is makes things more complicated. There’s no way to justify either I’ve done what I could or what I should…