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Monday, April 6, 2009

Gettin' to blog

after a tiring journey back from Pulau Tinggi, Mersing i'm back to work this morning. it was a bad start. huhu... firstly i have problem to unlock my car. my key's alarm needs new battery i guess. luckily at last it works. phew... no need to buat bising(alarm berbunyi yang xreti nk tutup). huhu...

Then i went straight to the office. still want to try my luck at the parking bay behind the office building. it's full but i've already expect that because i'm already late. no hal la. thus i want to proceed to tnb parking. adeh... another problem. the bar didn't allow me to pass through. sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga ni. i'me getting sgt lewat dah. sudahnye masuk ofis 9.30am.

along the morning was so busy doing this and that. after lunch i should assist doing some testing at our DR stite but somehow the system is not ready yet so the session is posponed. For a few moment i'm loss. don'n know what to do. suddenly ting. hehe... got an idea. read k save blog.

i read post by post. leaving few comments. then, urm... quite nice to have one. hehehe... makanya terjebak suda! hepi blogging to me:)

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the club cik Noraida A.Ghani... kekekkeke,
    Blogging is the place where you release ur stress... kekekekke =))
